Copper Water Bottle 750ml
Copper Water Bottle 750ml
As per Ayurvedic traditions, copper helps balance all three Doshas, bringing your body into harmony, so it functions best. Copper fights off free radicals, boosts water alkalinity, helps maintain cardiovascular & digestive health, increases iron absorption and boosts immunity among other benefits. Store water in the bottle overnight and start your day with this copper-infused water.
~99% pure copper
Care information
Care information
To clean the bottle, follow these steps:
A) Gently wash the outer surface with dish detergent without using a scrub pad, to maintain the print on the bottle.
B) Squeeze half a lemon into a cup of warm water. Add 1 tablespoon salt to it. Pour the solution into the bottle. Shake well and rinse.
C) Clean the threads of the cap and bottle mouth with cleaning solution to prevent metal cracking sound while opening and closing. This bottle isn't intended for hot water.
Gorgeous design. Very functional and stylish. Makes a nice gift too!